Upcoming Gatherings

Gathering leaders in clergy and congregational well-being.


Coping with the Pressures of Ministry

Join the University of Warwick's Leslie Francis and York St John University's Andrew Village for an interactive gathering exploring how clergy cope with stress and ministry. Why do some ministers experience burnout and others do not?

Drawing on research from a diverse cross section of ministry leaders in the US and UK, Drs. Francis and Village will share the most important factors for helping clergy cope with the pressures of ministry and improve overall well-being.


Caring for Brokenness

Join the Parsonage Project's Ribbons Harris for an interactive gathering exploring the role of Christian hospitality in creating scalable models to care for brokenness and heal division.

Our ministries suffer when hospitality fails. Based on research conducted at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Ribbons will share theological resources and best practices for working with individuals (like retreats) and groups (congregational or judicatory level).


Meeting Adversity with Resilience

Join Briercrest Seminary's Margaret Clarke and Owner of HealingChoice Family Therapy Marcus Tanner for an interactive gathering exploring how clergy can bounce back from traumatic experiences.

Interested in our past gatherings?